

ヨガをして、ゆっくりお風呂にはいって、ゆっくりご飯食べて、その後、音楽聞きながら 本読みながら、自然にお昼寝というのは、ここのところ私のお気に入りの日曜日の過ごし方です。


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It has been 2 weeks since I did Yoga last time, because we did not have a class last Sunday morning. There were only 8 people in the class, I assume that it was due to too cold temperature to get up early on Sunday morning; it was about 5 degree at 8:00am.
The instructor was very active and leaded us to do the pose continuously without any rest.
I had a hot tub after Yoga, had brunch with my husband and friend's couple and had a nap for about 2hours.

It is getting to my favorite way to spend time on Sunday that doing yoga, having a hot tub, having a lunch and then having a nap with listening classical music and reading book.

I have my lab meeting tomorrow afternoon so that I need to work on my slides a little bit more NOW. I hope I could get some helpful/interesting comments in the meeting.