Winter Party

We had a winter party today. All branch member and their family were invited.
Many post-doc brought many kind of foods and we had a game there.
Actually I had been choson as one of planner of entertainment. Our planning game is as following.
We made two group (Post-doc vs. PI)and gave a person a phrase. For example, "Endocytosis", "Underware" or "B1 cafeteria" and so on... The person given a phrase drawen the picture to describe the phrase and remaining group members try to guess the original phrase. In our original plan, We supposed to give some easy phrases to Post-doc and hard phrases to PI and Post-doc should win!! However almost PI is native English speker and smart, and they have a good sense of drawing the picture. The competition is very close, and very excited.
Anyway, Post-doc won at the end.
We had a good time very much:)