universal thing in the lab

There are 6 pos-docs and one Ph.D student in our lab. They are really really unique!
They are one Chinese, one Korean, one Russian, one Belgian, one Israelite (who just joined 2 months ago) one Nigerian and me. We enjoy to tease each other everytime and are glad to recognize that everybody has quite different and unique characters!
We always say "You are funny!" "You are really strange!" "You are unusual" And we enjoy these word very much. So all of us seems to be crasy.

I remember that when I was in Japan, I also enjoyed the same thing in my lab. I used to enjoy to say and to be said "You are funny!""
From these findings, now I know that the feeling of person around me is always the same. Everybody around me is quite unique and very funny person. I like them very very much!